Dimensions is a beautiful creation, which I gave birth to, following the guidance of plants in one of my deep meditations. The visions and the intention behind Dimensions is to deliver vast and supportive presence and consciousness of plant and crystal kingdom to create a sacred container for us to grow, flourish, meditate, pray, find inspiration, meaning, connection, empowerment, beauty, wholeness and contentment.

My name is Agata. I am a qualified Aromatherapist, Meditation Teacher and an Energy Healer with many years of experience and expertise in the field of working with plant essences.

Working with high quality pure Essential Oils, Precious Metals and Flower Vibrational Remedies, I create unique, natural, highly concentrated, most beautiful in aroma and effective tools for meditation, spiritual practice, empowerment, exploration, ceremony, ritual, contemplation, prayer. They are designed to be used around the body and in our spaces.

Aura Sprays offer assistance in opening our consciousness, harmonizing our energy and being receptive to the teachings of our own soul, heart and higher knowing. My intention is to nourish and empower you and your space and assist you in connecting to the sacredness of Life.